lua Once you ve done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it. Note : If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrpconfig / disableddefaults. This job isn't default with the DarkRP gamemode, so it isn't going to be on every server you play. This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited.The salary of this job depends entirely what server you are playing on, but on most servers that have this job, the salary is higher than the Civil Protection job due to the nature of their high-risk job. Much like the real life S.W.A.T team, the DarkRP job usually specializes in helping the Police Force (AKA Civil Protection) with riots and heavy raids against criminals. They are however, allowed to raid criminal bases if they have suspicion that something illegal is occurring inside of the base, and if they receive a search warrant from the Mayor. On most servers that have it, the S.W.A.T job is not allowed to raid bases like a criminal, since it is a branch of the Civil Protection. If its a default vehicle, like the jeep or the jalopy, you can usually find their models by searching in the q menu in-game, however theyre listed here too: 'models/buggy.mdl' Half Life 2 Jeep 'models/airboat.mdl' Half Life 2 Airboat 'models/vehicle. On most servers with this job, it has high powered weaponry and sometimes body armor.
It is not default with the gamemode, therefore it is going to be different depending on each server you play on. That DarkRP Server (or TDRP) is a thriving Garry's Mod server hosted in the United States and run on the popular DarkRP roleplay gamemode.TDRP is currently run by Timthefunnyman and coded by Dan.

TEAM_CR = DarkRP.The S.W.A.T job is a custom job for the DarkRP gamemode lead by the S.W.A.T Chief. The defaultteam is set and I checked and made sure that the job's code was correct a, a, disabled_a or any of your other custom files. The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
This is usually right, but the problem might lie somewhere else. Install DarkRP - this gamemode is derived from it Drag the gamemode to your gamemodes folder Copy /syndicate/gamemode/config/a to a so your config changes are not overridden every time you update. Did you remove the job you had set to default? ConVar Search: Searching 298 files for 'CreateConVar'. This is by no means an official guide to the gamemode, and this will not certify you as an experienced player. DarkRP convars (should chat be global, the default salary, stuff like that) One convar per weapon that decides whether players need a special license to use the weapons (I WILL REMOVE THIS) FAdmin. GAMEMODE.DefaultTeam may be set to a job that does not exist anymore. I've written this guide based on my own experiences with new players on DarkRP.
Make sure you update GAMEMODE.DefaultTeam to the new default team. While it is extremely fun, DarkRP does have a little bit of a learning curve. In a nutshell, you are living alternate lives, doing what you won’t or can’t do in real life. This may happen when you disable the default citizen job. DarkRP is a game where you roleplay in a city. GAMEMODE.DefaultTeam is not set to an existing job. A runtime error has occurred in "lua/darkrp_customthings/a" on line -1.